Bruce Dickinson (Iron Maiden)
Pak cik rockers seorg pilot.bukan setakat boleh bawak kapal terbang je tp ada lesen kapal terbang. semasa Iron Maiden ada tour, Iron Maiden menggunakan kapal terbang sendiri yg dipandu oleh beliau sendiri.
Dexter Holland (The Offspring)
Brader ni pakar bidang perubatan Ph.D.Brader ni jugak ada degree Biology & ada Master's degree in Molecular Biology.
Bryan May (Queen)
Pak cik ni lagi hebat selain drpd goreng guitar.Pak cik ni graduating with a B.Sc. (Hons) degree in both Physics and Mathematics and ARCS with Upper Second-Class Honours. He then proceeded to study for a Ph.D degree, also at the Imperial College London departments of Physics and Mathematics, and was part way through this Ph.D programme, studying reflected light from interplanetary dust and the velocity of dust in the plane of the Solar System.
sumer ahli band ni ada ijazah kecuali lead guitar diorang Jonny Greenwood.
brader2 Butterfingers pernah blaja sampai ke luar negara.sampai sekarang ni guitarist diorang Loque blaja kt U.S.A.......
brader2 Cromok ni pernah blaja kt Australia pas2 naikkan nama Cromok kt sana.....
tu je la yg aku leh bagi...diingatkan blaja x habis x semestinye x pandai kadang2 org yg pandai pun bleh kena tipu sbb terlalu hidup dgn buku.tu ayat kakak aku.aku gunakan balek.....
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