Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Thursday, November 19, 2009
R.I.P Mike Alexander (Evile) and keputusan UPSR kuar
Alexander was born in London, England.
In 2000, after Matt Drake and Ben Carter formed a cover band, Alexander saw an advertisement in a local guitar store for a 'metal bassist'. After calling Drake and rehearsing with the group, the band (then including Drake's brother Ol Drake) asked Alexander to join.
In 2004, they formed Evile. They recorded an EP All Hallows Eve in 2004 and a demo Hell Demo in 2006. Soon after, the band signed to Earache Records, and released their Flemming Rasmussen produced debut album, Enter the Grave, in 2007. Their second album, Infected Nations, was released in 2009.
Alexander performed with BC Rich bass guitars. He also endorsed Kustom and Hartke amplifiers and cabinets and Dunlop bass strings.
Evile released a statement on 6 October 2009 through the band's label Earache, which paid tribute to Alexander and announced his death.He died in LuleƄ, Sweden on 5 October 2009, during a European tour in support of their new album, from a pulmonary embolism, a blood clot on the lungs.
Alexander stated his favourite bassists were Jason Newsted and Sean Yseult.
If you don't know Evile this their song
bg dak2 yg amik UPSR aku berharap korg mendapat keputusan yg baek...x dpt 5A pun xpe sbb anda tlh mencuba ngan baek...aku tulis blog ni sbb adek aku amek peksa UPSR semoga dia dpt keputusan yg baek.....
Monday, October 12, 2009
Good Luck Nrocinu to Muzik2
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Selamat tinggal bulan Ramadhan Selamat datang bulan Syawal
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Saturday, August 29, 2009
David MeShow
Monday, August 24, 2009
Jacqueline Rosina Mannering
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Ustaz Asri [Rabbani] meninggal dunia..Innalillah..
Menurut rakannya, Farihin Abdul Fatah, Allahyarham meninggal dunia selepas rebah dan pengsan ketika latihan program Syahadah di Auditorium P. Ramlee, Angkasapuri kira-kira jam 10.30 pagi tadi. Difahamkan arwah juga mengidap penyakit kencing manis dan darah tinggi.
Selain seorang penyanyi nasyid, Ustaz Asri juga seorang pendakwah, bilal dan kerap menjadi imam dalam pelbagai program bercorak ibadah kerana pengetahuan agama dan kelunakan suaranya itu. Beliau yang dilahirkan pada 3 Ogos 1969 di Klang, Selangor juga baru menyambut ulang tahun kelahiran ke-40, minggu lalu.
Al- Fatihah.............
KUALA LUMPUR, 13 OGOS 2009: Penyanyi utama kumpulan nasyid Rabbani, Ustaz Mohd Asri Ibrahim, 40, disahkan meninggal dunia kira-kira jam 11 pagi tadi akibat serangan jantung di Hospital Pantai, Bangsar.
Menurut rakannya, Farihin Abdul Fatah, Allahyarham meninggal dunia selepas rebah dan pengsan ketika latihan program Syahadah di Auditorium P. Ramlee, Angkasapuri kira-kira jam 10.30 pagi tadi. Difahamkan arwah juga mengidap penyakit kencing manis dan darah tinggi.
Selain seorang penyanyi nasyid, Ustaz Asri juga seorang pendakwah, bilal dan kerap menjadi imam dalam pelbagai program bercorak ibadah kerana pengetahuan agama dan kelunakan suaranya itu. Beliau yang dilahirkan pada 3 Ogos 1969 di Klang, Selangor juga baru menyambut ulang tahun kelahiran ke-40, minggu lalu.
Al- Fatihah.............
Sunday, August 9, 2009
Jam Session & Cerita Lain
Wan Endzeil:korg tinggal ktner?
Firdaus:tinggal kt sini (Kelana Jaya)
Wan Endzeil:umur ko brape tahun?tanya kt Firdaus
Wan Endzeil:ko?tanya kt Caveman
Wan Endzeil:ko?tanya kt Syataf
Wan Endzeil:korg slalu jamming kt sini ke?
Wan Endzeil:satu band ke?
Caveman:tak.aku jadik sessionist utk diorang sbb bassist diorang balek kampung...
Wan Endzeil:ko main ape?tanya kt Firdaus
Wan Endzeil:sorg lg tu main ape?
Firdaus:vocal(jwb utk Syataf)
Wan Endzeil:korg maen genre ape?
Firdaus:kitorg maen hardcore punk
Wan Endzeil:hardcore jenis camne?
Firdaus:hardcore yg laju tp nyanyi cm biasa je xde jerit yg jahat...
Wan Endzeil:korg satu kolej ke?
Caveman:satu kolej ngan die je (Syataf)
lps borak2 ada awek turun dari tangga pastu Azam ckp ape ade kt atas...pastu Wan Endzeil menyampuk korg keje la kt KFC mana tau dpt awek.....pastu kitorg diam dan x cakap ape2.pastu Syataf turun kejap pastu band Bowlfish pun sampai tp Syataf malu nk tegur takut salah org.aku lepak jap kt dlm studio pastu Apiz Carbon 4 Teen ngan Wrongang sampai pastu diorang wat sound check.Rotten Ruckus,Endzeil,Carbon Wrongang ngan Bowlfish dah ready kecuali member Caveman duk Kajang x sampai lg....tunggu punya tunggu diorg x sampai2 Carbon Wrongang masih wat sound check lg.... member Caveman x sampai lg pastu Bowlfish plak sound check.pastu aku terserempak ngan Buset Revenge yg dah bermisai sblm ni dia x bermisai...pastu kena tunggu lg Endzeil lak wat sound check.Caveman ngan Syataf pun gi ambik member dia pastu terpaksa start dlm kul 4.00 ptg sbb Ali Vespa ada hal dlm kul 6 lebih.....Jam Session dimulakan ngan Bowlfish yg main genre Pop Punk.diorang perfom not bad sambil berlawak..setelah Bowlfish selesai wat persembahan giliran Kelab Jiwa Luka wat ni bising giler tp patut dpt pujian sbb hentakan drum Azam sgt hebat.pastu giliran Rotten Ruckus plak ambik alih tmpt Kelab Jiwa Luka kecuali Caveman yg terpaksa ganti Zaki bassist band ni yg skang ni balek kampung.lgu Rotten Ruckus ngan F**k Police Brutality agak lari tempo tp lgu Caged ngan Punk Rock Family tlh menutup kelemahan Rotten Ruckus apabila selesai lgu Punk Rock Family dpt tepukan yg kuat.kitorg maen 2 lgu cover Unknown Soldier-The Casuaties ngan Bliezkrieg Bop-The Ramones.kitorg plan nk maen 5 lgu jer tp dpt encore maen lgu Bliezkrieg Bop.pastu Endzeil ambik alih tmpt Rotten Ruckus.Endzeil perfom chaos habis sbb wat cm gig.Syataf yg memula hardcore dancing pastu yg laen join la.Azam lak wat stage dive.aku pun join wat silat.paling chaos apabila diorg mengangkat Wan.setlh Endzeil selesai perfom giliran Carbon Wrongang lak perfom tp Apiz Carbon 4 Teen ckp lps ni Amarah.aku nampak Pakya ada kt luar?kalo ada Yuna aku nak duet ngan dia. Carbon Wrongang mulakan persembahan mula agak kecoh sbb diorg gado sesama sendiri pastu tali bass Apiz putus sebaik org x ramai...bila org ramai baru ok....
setelah selesai jam session kitorg nk ajak sumer band lepak sama tp malangnya x sumer dpt lepak.Bowlfish balek awal,Endzeil ada jam session laen dan Carbon Wrongang masih jamming lg.Rotten Ruckus ngan Kelab Jiwa Luka je la yg lepak termasuk Nizang ngan member Driving School Azri yg join lepak.pastu borak2 la.memandangkan dah nk masuk waktu Maghrib masing balek ke rumah.Jam Session kali ni perubahannya agak ketara sbb kitorg maen 6 lgu sblm ni 3 lgu je.harap2 next lebih baik dari hari sblm2nya.....
Jam Session video
Saturday, August 8, 2009
Thursday, August 6, 2009
Kenapa film skang tak selawak film P.Ramlee
oklah hayatilah video ini
Friday, July 17, 2009
P.Ramlee hina UMNO?
Thursday, July 9, 2009
Siapakah pengganti Michael Jackson?
ni dia....
Saturday, June 20, 2009
Sunday, June 14, 2009
Thursday, June 4, 2009
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Dalam 1 kg,sorang cucu tggl dgn datuknya sbb kedua2
org tuanya pg mnoreh getah.Si datuk ni merangkap baby sitterlah
kononnya.1 hari si cucu plg ke rumah drpd bermain-main lalu bertanyalah kepada datuknya "Tok,tadi Dol cakap PELIR...PELIR tu apa tok?"Terkejut datuknya.Tp Dgn selambanya dia berkata "PELIR tu songkoklah,macam atuk pakai ni..""OOoooo" mcm tu kata si cucu.Pd hri lain pula sicucu btanya lg."Tok,tadi Minah sebut
BURIT,apa ke bendanya tu tok?" Terkejut bukan kepalang datuknya. Tapi dgn selambanya jugak dia menjawab"Alah...itu kain..yang emak kau pakai
tu."1 hari yang lain pula sicucu bertanya lagi..."Tok MELANCAP tu
apa?"Si datuk malas nak melayan lalu dikatakannya MELANCAP tu makan nasi.Akhirnya sicucu bertanya lagi ..."Tok,BERJUBUR tu apa?" "..Alaah kau ni banyak sangat bertanya..BERJUBUR tu macam ayah & mak kau..kerjanya menorehlah."Suatu hari yang panas datanglah tok Penghulu berkunjung ke rumah kanak-kanak tu..slps diberi salam beberapa kali lalu dijawap oleh kanak-kanak tu.. "Datuk kau ada?"Tak ada tok penghulu. "Dia pergi
kedai..Naiklah tok penghulu." Tok penghulu pun naik sambil mengipas-ngipas dgn songkoknya. Lalu berkata budak yang keletah itu."Tok penghulu, kalau panas sangkutlah pelir tu kat dinding"Tkejut yang amat sgt tok Penghulu tu."Ehhh mana abang kau?""Ada kat dapur tengah melancap.."
"Kakak kau?""..ada kat sungai tengah basuh burit..banyak burit dia kena basuh.""Mak ayah kau?EEEh tok penghulu kan hari tak hujan berjuburlah mereka."lalu tok penghulu pun pengsan.
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Grunge goes Rock goes R&B?
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Guilty Gear Ost
original version
cover version
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
MENGAPA Orang Yahudi KAYA dan BIJAK?
Agaknya mengapa orang yahudi bijak? Dan percayalah, sekuat mana
pun kita memboikot produk-produk mereka, mereka pasti akan hanya tersenyum
sinis. Mungkin bagi mereka peduli apa ye tak? Hurm, mengapa mereka tak pernah
heran? Baca artikel di bawah. Sebuah artikel yang sangat bagus malah terlalu
bagus untuk semua! ....
akan tahu kepentingan Young IntelMax setelah membaca artikel ini.
Apa itu Young IntelMax ?....
Jika korang memang pemalas nak baca artikel panjang-panjang,
korang tetap jugak dinasihatkan untuk baca. Please lah baca!!....
Setelah berada 3 tahun di Israel kerana menjalani housemanship
dibeberapa hospital disana, ada beberapa perkara yang menarik dapat saya
perhatikan untuk dijadikan tesis ini, iaitu “Mengapa Yahudi Bijak?”. Memang
tidak dapat dinafikan ramai cendikiawan berbangsa Yahudi, dari segala bidang,
Engineering, musik, saintis dan yang paling hebat ialah bidang perniagaan,
dimana ia memang paling tersohor. Hampir 70% perniagaan di dunia dikuasai oleh
kaum Yahudi, dari kosmetik, pakaian, pemakanan, senjata, perhotelan, perfileman
diHollywood dan sebagainya.....
Ketika tahun kedua, akhir bulan December 1980 dan sedang saya
menghitung hari untuk pulang ke California saya terfikir apakah sebab nya kaum
Yahudi begitu pintar? Kenapa tuhan memberi kelebihan kepada mereka? Apakah ini
suatu kebetulan? Atau olah manusia sendiri? Adakah bijak boleh dijana?....
Seperti kilang pengeluaran?....
Maka saya pon tergerak membuat tesis untuk Phd saya, disamping
kebaikan untuk umat sejagat dan dapat hidup secara harmoni. Untuk pengetahuan
anda tesis yang saya lakukan ini mengambil masa hampir lapan tahun, ini kerana
untuk mengumpulkan data-data yang setepat mungkin.....
Antara data-data yang saya kumpulkan ialah pemakanan, adat
resam, ugama, persiapan awal untuk melahirkan zuriat dan sebagainya dan data
data tadi saya cuba bandingkan dengan bangsa dan kaum kaum lain.....
Marilah kita mulakan dengan persiapan awal melahirkan zuriat. Di Israel, setelah mengetahui yang sang ibu sedang mengandung,
pertama kali saya perhatikan ialah, sang ibu akan sering menyanyi dan bermain
piano dan si ibu dan bapa akan membeli buku metamatik dan menyelesaikan masalah
metamatik bersama suami, saya sungguh
hairan kerana teman saya yang mengandung sering membawa buku metamatik dan
bertanya kepada saya beberapa soalan yang beliau tak dapat menyelesaikanya,
oleh kerana saya memang minat tentang metamatik, tentu saja dengan senang saya
bantu beliau. Saya bertanya kepada beliau, adakah ini untuk anak kamu? Beliau
menjawab, “ia, ini untuk anak saya yang masih didalam kandungan, saya sedang
melatih otak beliau, semuga ia menjadi genius apabila dewasa kelak” Perkara ini
membuat saya tertarik untuk mengikut perkembangan beliau seterusnya. Berbalik kepada
metamatik tadi, tanpa merasa jenoh beliau membuat latihan metamatik sehingga
beliau melahirkan anak.....
Seperkara lagi yang saya perhatikan ialah pemakanan beliau, sejak awal mengandung beliau gemar sekali memakan kacang badam
dan korma bersama susu , dan untuk tengah hari makan utama beliau ialah roti
dan ikan tanpa kepala bersama salad yang digaul dengan badam dan berbagai jenis
kekacang, menurut beliau daging ikan sungguh baik untuk perkembangan otak dan
kepala ikan mengandungi kimia yang tidak baik yang dapat merosakkan
pengembangan dan penumbuhan otak anak didalam kandungan. menurut beliau ini adalah adat orang orang yahudi ketika
mengandung dan ianya menjadi semacam kewajipan untuk ibu ibu yang sedang
mengandung mengambil pil minyak ikan.....
Ketika saya diundang untuk makan malam bersama orang orang
Yahudi, perkara pertama yang saya perhatikan ialah menu mereka. Setiap undangan
yg sama perhatikan ialah mereka gemar sekali memakan ikan (hanya isi atau
fillet) dan biasanya daging tidak akan ada bersama dimeja jika ada ikan,
menurut mereka, campuran daging dan ikan tak elok dimakan bersama. Salad dan
kacang adalah suatu kemestian, terutama badam.....
Seperkara yang pelik ialah mereka
akan memakan buah buahan dahulu sebelum memakan hidangan utama. Jangan terperanjat
jika anda diundang kerumah Yahudi anda akan dihidangkan buah buahan dahulu.
Menurut mereka, dengan memakan hidangan kabohidrat (nasi atau roti) dahulu
kemudian buah buahan, ini akan menyebabkan kita merasa ngantuk dan lemah dan
payah untuk memahami pelajaran disekolah.....
Di Israel, merokok adalah taboo, apabila anda diundang makan
dirumah Yahudi, jangan sekali kali merokok, dan tanpa malu mereka akan menyuruh
anda keluar dari rumah mereka dam merokok diluar rumah mereka. Menurut saintis di Universiti Israel, siasatan menunjukkan
nikotin dapat merosakkan sel utama pada otak manusia dan akan melekat pada
genes, ini bermakna keturunan perokok bakal membawa generasi yg cacat otak (
bodoh atau lembaCool. Suatu penemuan yg dahsyat ditemui oleh saintis yg mendalami
bidang genes dan DNA. Para perokok harap ambil perhatian. (Ironi nya, pemilik
pengeluar rokok terbesar adalah …… tekalah sendiri..!)....
Perhatian saya selanjutnya ialah melawati tadika mereka,
Pemakanan anak anak tadi cukup dikawal, makanan awal ialah buah buahan bersama
kacang badam, diikuti dengan menelan pil minyak ikan (code oil lever) Didalam
pengamatan saya, kanak Yahudi sungguh bijak dan rata rata mereka memahami 3
bahasa iaitu Hebrew, Arab dan Inggeris dan sedari awal lagi mereka telah
dilatih bermain piano dan violin, ini adalah suatu kewajipan. Menurut mereka
bermain musik dan memahami nota notanya dapat meningkatkan lagi IQ kanak kanak
dan sudah tentu bakal menjadikan budak itu bijak.....
Ini menurut saintis Yahudi, gegaran musik dapat stimulate (semacam
senaman untuk otak) maka itu terdapat ramai sekali genius musik terdiri dari
kaum Yahudi.....
Seterusnya ke darjah 1 hingga 6, anak anak Yahudi akan diajar
metamatik berkonsepkan perniagaan dan pelajaran sains amatlah diberi keutamaan.
Di dalam perhatian peribadi saya, perbandingan dengan anak anak di California,
ianya jauh berbeza tentang IQ dan boleh saya katakan 6 tahun kebelakang!!!.....
Segala pelajaran akan dengan mudah di tangkap oleh anak Yahudi.
Selain dari pelajaran tadi sukan juga menjadi kewajipan bagi mereka dan sukan
yg diberi keutamaan ialah memanah, menembak dan berlari, menurut teman saya
ini, memanah dan menembak dapat melatih otak mem fokus sesuatu perkara
disamping mempermudahkan persiapan untuk perhidmatan negara.....
Selanjutnya pemerhatian saya menuju ke sekolah tinggi (menengah)
disini murid murid ditekan dengan pelajaran mata sains dan mereka digalakkan
mencipta produk, segala projek mereka walaupon kadangkala kelihatannya lucu dan
mengarut, tetap diteliti dengan serius apatah lagi ianya berupa senjata,
perubatan dan engineering, idea itu akan dibawa ke institute tinggi di
Politeknik dan Universiti.....
Satu lagi yg di beri keutamaan ialah fakulti perniagaan. Saya
sungguh terperanjat melihat mereka begitu agresif dan seriusnya mereka tentang
perniagaan. Diakhir tahun diuniversiti, para penuntut dibidang niaga
dikehendaki melakukan projek dan memperaktik kanya dan anda hanya akan lulus
jika kumpulan anda(10 pelajar setiap kumpulan) dapat keuntungan sebanyak
$US1juta! Anda terperanjat? Itulah kenyataan, dengan rangkaian seluruh dunia
dan ditaja sepenuhnya oleh syarikat milik Yahudi, maka tidak hairanlah mereka
dapat menguasai ½ perniagaan didunia! Siapakah yg mencipta design Levis yg
terkini? Ianya dicipta di Universiti Israel oleh fakulti bisnes dan fesyen.....
Pernahkah anda melihat cara orang Yahudi melakukan ibadah
mereka? Salah satu caranya ialah dengan menggoyangkan kepala mereka, menurut
mereka ini dapat mengaktifkan otak mereka dan menambahkan oksijan dikepala,
banyak ugama lain di Timur Tengah, seperti Islam juga ada menyuruh umatnya
menunduk atau menggoyangkan kepala, ini guna dapat mensimulasikan otak kita
supaya bertambah aktif. Lihat orang orang Jepun, mereka sering menunduk
nundukkan kepala dan ianya sebagai adat. Ramai orang orang Jepun yg pandai?
Adakah ianya sebagai kebetulan? Kegemaran mereka ialah sushi (ikan mentah).
Adakah ini kebetulan? Fikirkanlah!....
Berpusat di New York, Dewan perniagaan Yahudi bersedia membantu
mereka yg berminat untuk melakukan bisnes (sudah tentu untuk Yahudi sahaja)
jika mereka ada idea yg bernas, jawatan kuasa akan memberi pinjaman tanpa
faedah dan pentadbir dari jawatan kuasa tadi akan bekerjasama dengan anda untuk
memastikan yg perniagaan mereka menurut landasan yg betul. Maka itu lahirlah
Starbuck, Dell comptr, Cocacola, DKNY, Oracle, Perfileman di Hollywood, Levis,
Dunkin Donut dan ada beratus kedai ternama dibawah naungan dewan perniagaan
Yahudi di New York. Graduan Yahudi dari fakulti perubatan New York akan
disarankan untuk mendaftar dipersatuan ini dan digalakkan memulakan klinik
mereka sendiri dengan bantuan wang tanpa faedah, barulah saya tahu mengapa
hospital di New York dan California sentiasa kekurangan doktor pakar.....
Kesimpulanya, pada teori saya, melahirkan anak dan keturunan yg
bijak boleh dilaksanakan dan tentunya bukan semalaman, ianya memerlukan masa,
beberapa jenerasi mungkin? Persiapan awal adalah ketika sang ibu mengandung,
galakkanlah siibu melakukan latihan metamatik yg mudah tetapi konsisten
disamping mendengar musik klasik. Seterusnya ubahlah cara pemakanan, makanlah
makanan yg elok dan berhasiat yg baik untuk otak, menghayati musik sejak kecil
adalah baik sekali untuk penumbuhan otak kanak kanak, dengan bermain piano dan
violin sudah tentu dapat melatih anak anak mencerdaskan otak mereka demikian
juga sukan yg memerlukan konsetrasi yg tinggi, seperti memanah, bola keranjang,
dart dan menembak.....
Merokok menjanjikan jenerasi yg moron (goblok) dan sudah tentu
genes bodoh akan mengikut ke jenerasi siperokok. Lawatan saya ke Singapore pada
tahun 2005 amat memeranjatkan sekali, disini perokok seperti dianak tirikan dan
begitu susah sekali untuk perokok dan anda tahu berapa harga sekotak rokok? US$
7 !!! ini bersamaan perbelanjaan sehari untuk makan anda!! Saya puji sekali
sikap pemerintah Singapore dan menkjubkan sekali!!! dan seperti Israel ianya
begitu taboo dan cara pentadbiran dan segi pembelajaran mereka hampir serupa
dengan Israel, maka itu saya lihat banyak institusi pelajaran mereka bertaraf
dunia walaupon hakikat nya negeri Singapore hanyalah sebuah pulau sebesar
Anda mungkin muskil, benarkah merokok dapat melahirkan jenerasi
goblok, saya telah menemui beberapa bukti menyokong teori ini. Lihat saja
Indonesia, jika anda ke Jakarta, dimana saja anda berada, dari restoran,
teater, kebun bunga hingga kemusium hidung anda akan segera terbau asak rokok!
Dan harga rokok? Cuma US$ .70cts !!! dan hasilnya? Dengan penduduknya berjumlah
jutaan orang berapa banyak kah universiti terdapat disana? Hasil apakah yg
dapat dibanggakan? Teknologi? Jauh sekali. Adakah mereka dapat berbahasa selain
dari bahasa mereka sendiri? Mengapa mereka begitu sukar sekali menguasai bahasa
Inggeris? Ditangga berapakah kedudukan mereka di pertandingan metamatik
sedunia? Adakah ini bukan akibat merokok? Anda fikirlah sendiri.....
Di tesis saya ini, saya tidak akan menimbulkan soal ugama atau
bangsa, adakah Yahudi itu zalim sehingga diusir dari semenjak zaman Paraoh
hingga ke Hitler, bagi saya itu isu politik dan survival, yg ingin saya
ketengahkan ialah, mampu kah kita dapat melahirkan jenerasi yg bijak seperti
Jawabanya ialah mungkin dan tidak mustahil dan ianya memerlukan
perubahan, dari segi pemakanan dan cara mendididik anak dan saya kira hanya
memerlukan 3 jenerasi sahaja. Ini dapat saya lihat sendiri tentang cucu saya,
ini setelah saya mengajar anak saya melalui program yg telah saya nyatakan
diatas tadi, pada umur 9 tahun (cucu saya) dia dapat menulis esay sepanjang5
mukasurat penuh. Esay nya hanyalah mengenai Mengapa saya gemarkan tomato!....
Selamat sejahtera dan semuga kita dapat melahirkan manusia yg
bijak dan bersifat mulia untuk kebaikan manusia sejagat tanpa mengenal batasan
Monday, April 13, 2009
Band ni ditubuhkan pd akhir 2008 masa tu Fir Metal dah berenti giatmara lalu x tau nk wat ape pastu dia bincang ngan Azri Maggi pasal nk wat band baru lalu dier pun bersetuju... pastu kitorang try la carik line up mula2 yg masuk band ni Aizat adik Azri sbg Drummer...pastu lak ada member Aizat nk jadik vocal tp x dpt sbb dier x cukup serius...kitorang cuba nk carik Bassist.Azri cuba panggil kazen die Aizat Gelore Nafsu tp x leh sbb die blaja kt Melaka pastu pakai duit minyak lagi...Azri cuba panggil Nizang DDT utk jadik Bassist..kitorang dah dpt Bassist.Guitarist dah ada,Drummer dah ada,Bassist dah ada.cuma tinggal Vocalist je yg masih xde pastu Azri panggil Syataf utk jadik Vocalist lalu die trima tawaran ni....Paling latest Nizang terpaksa tarik diri sbb byk keje tempat die diganti oleh Zaki xLumbrahx.
Line-up terkini
Syataf-Menyanyi dan mengubah melodi 2009-kini
Azri Maggi-Memetik Guitar dan cipta lagu 2008-kini
Fir Metal-Memetik Guitar dan cipta lagu 2008-kini
Zaki-Memetik Bass dan cipta lagu 2009-kini
Aizat-Mengetuk Drum 2008-kini..
Ex Line-up
Nizang DDT-Memetik Bass dan cipta lagu
Friday, April 10, 2009
Kisah Komedi :Hujan
Cikgu:Najib,kenapa dtg lewat?
Najib:Hujan cikgu
Cikgu:Semlm kenapa x dtg?
Najib:Hujan jugak.
Cikgu:Eh?Hujan jugak. xde alasan laen ke?
Najib:Banjir la cikgu....
Friday, April 3, 2009
Korean Metal
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Musician Terpelajar.....
Bruce Dickinson (Iron Maiden)
Pak cik rockers seorg pilot.bukan setakat boleh bawak kapal terbang je tp ada lesen kapal terbang. semasa Iron Maiden ada tour, Iron Maiden menggunakan kapal terbang sendiri yg dipandu oleh beliau sendiri.
Dexter Holland (The Offspring)
Brader ni pakar bidang perubatan Ph.D.Brader ni jugak ada degree Biology & ada Master's degree in Molecular Biology.
Bryan May (Queen)
Pak cik ni lagi hebat selain drpd goreng guitar.Pak cik ni graduating with a B.Sc. (Hons) degree in both Physics and Mathematics and ARCS with Upper Second-Class Honours. He then proceeded to study for a Ph.D degree, also at the Imperial College London departments of Physics and Mathematics, and was part way through this Ph.D programme, studying reflected light from interplanetary dust and the velocity of dust in the plane of the Solar System.
sumer ahli band ni ada ijazah kecuali lead guitar diorang Jonny Greenwood.
brader2 Butterfingers pernah blaja sampai ke luar negara.sampai sekarang ni guitarist diorang Loque blaja kt U.S.A.......
brader2 Cromok ni pernah blaja kt Australia pas2 naikkan nama Cromok kt sana.....
tu je la yg aku leh bagi...diingatkan blaja x habis x semestinye x pandai kadang2 org yg pandai pun bleh kena tipu sbb terlalu hidup dgn buku.tu ayat kakak aku.aku gunakan balek.....
Break Through It All
Here are the rules:
1. Put your music on shuffle.
2. For each question, press the next button to get your answer.
4. Tag others.
Hanya Di Mercu-Ayu OIAM
Hit the Light-Black Tide(Metallica cover)
Buronan Cinta-The Lima wtf
Inside the Fire-Disturbed ganas sial!!!!!!!!!
The Mystic Prophecy of the Demon Knight-Rhapsody Of Fire
WHAT IS 2+2?
Canon in D-Pachelbel
As The Sleeper Awakes-Soilwork
In This River-Black Label Society
Canon-Joe Satriani Version
Only For The Weak-In Flames
My Hatred-Trivium
Sick Heart River-Soilwork
Into the Mouth of Hell We March-Trivium
Bloody Red Dungeons-Rhapsody of Fire
The Day That Never Comes-Metallica
Aku Bukan Untukmu-Rossa
Raining Blood-Slayer
Blitzkrieg Bop-The Ramones
The Storm-Trivium
I Kissed A Girl-Katy Perry giler sial
Valley Of The Damned-Dragonforce
Emerald Sword-Rhapsody of Fire
"Fantaisie Impromptu"-Chopin
This is Our Town-We the Kings
Break Through It All-Death Before Dishonor
Friday, February 20, 2009
Mainstream,Independent dan Underground
Mainstream music denotes music that is familiar unthreatening (and boring) to the masses, as for example popular music, pop music, middle of the road music, rap or soft rock; but it should be noted that older generations often have a well-founded dislike for the mainstream taste of the youth, and may not agree as to what is or is not mainstream. Mainstream jazz is generally seen as an evolution of be-bop, which was originally regarded as radical.
Opposing mainstream music is the music of subcultures. This exists in virtually all genres of music and is found commonly in punk rock, indie rock, anti-folk and Heavy Metal, among others. In the 1960s this music was exemplified by the music of the hippie counterculture. In more recent years alternative rock, such as the music of Nirvana, has managed to express musical nonconformity while still working within the confines of the mainstream music market.
ni citer laen pasal mainstream
label mesti yg besar2 cth:EMI,Sony BMG dll.
recording mesti kualiti yg bagus
jual album mesti mahal.
lgu comform la kuar radio sampai 2 3 kali asyik lgu 2 jer.
videoclip mesti mahal.pastu mesti ada director la.
artis mainstream mestila wat konsert dah famouskan.
tiket konsert mencecah RM100++.
penyanyi dpt penghargaan ttp komposer x dpt penghargaan kecuali anugerah juara lagu.
slalu kena kejar ngan paparazzi.nk kencing pun susah.
slalu kena gosip@kontroversi.
Independent record labels
Main article: Independent record label
Independent labels have a long history of promoting developments in popular music, stretching back to the post-war period in the United States, with labels such as Sun Records.
In the United Kingdom during the 1950s and 1960s, the major record companies had so much power that independent labels struggled to become established. Several British producers and artists launched independent labels as outlets for their work and artists they liked, but the majority failed as commercial ventures or were swallowed up by the majors.[1]
The punk rock era saw a plethora of independent labels.[1] The UK Indie Chart was first compiled in 1980, and independent distribution became better organized from the late 1970s onwards.
Going major versus staying indie
Some bands choose to never go to a major label even if they are given the opportunity to do so. Similarly, others may choose to be an independent artist after having already experienced recording on a major label, such as pianist Bradley Joseph. As an independent, business is a prime concern and can take over if not controlled, Joseph said.[11] "A lot of musicians don't learn the business. You just have to be well-rounded in both areas. You have to understand publishing. You have to understand how you make money, what's in demand, what helps you make the most out of your talent."[12] But some artists just want to be involved in the music and don't like the added problems or have the personality to work with both. Joseph suggests newer artists read and study both courses and pick one that best suits their needs and wants.[11]
If a band moves to a major label, it does not necessarily guarantee the band's success. Only about 1 in 10 CDs released by major labels make any profit for the label.[13] It is possible for an artist to make more money producing and promoting their own CDs than signing with a major label. However, an independent label that is creatively productive is not necessarily financially lucrative. Independent labels are often one-or two-person operations with almost no outside assistance and run out of tiny offices.[14] This lack of resources can make it extremely difficult for a band to make revenue from sales.
Some major labels have created an opportunity for Independent artists to be featured on a distributed/ marketed CD project with no strings attached in an effort to help boost awareness of the Independent Music community. Their brand of product began with and will continue as the brand picks up success most likely.
One thing an artist can consider doing if they want to be noticed by a major label is starting their own independent label. A successful independent label with a strong musical reputation can be very appealing to a major label. Major labels rely on independent labels to stay current within the ever-changing music scene.[15] Independent labels are often very good at discovering local talent and promoting specialized genres. This tactic was employed by Canadian band, Barenaked Ladies when they went from being independent to forming their own label, Desperation Records. Desperation Records only releases songs by Barenaked Ladies, and there is no intention to begin signing other artists.
The difference among various independent labels lies with distribution, probably the most important aspect of running a label. A major-label distributed independent label allows the independent label to find, sign, and record their own artists. The independent label has a contract with a major label for promotion and distribution. In some cases, the major label also manufactures and releases the album. Independent labels that are owned by a major label distribute their records through independent distributors but are not purely independent. A purely independent label is not affiliated with a major label in any way. Their records are distributed through independent distributors.
It can be very difficult for indie bands to sign on a record label that may not be familiar with their specific style. It can take years of dedicated effort, self-promotion, and rejections before landing a contract with either an independent or major record label. Bands that are ready to go this route need to be sure they are prepared both in terms of the music they offer as well as their realistic expectations for success.
The three main ways for an artist to make money are record deals, touring, and publishing rights.
Major label contracts
Most major label artists earn a 10-15% royalty rate. However, before a band is able to receive any of their royalties, they must clear their label for all of their debts, known as recoupable expenses. These expenses arise from the cost of such things as album packaging and artwork, tour support, and video production. An additional part of the recoupable expenses are the artist's advance. An advance is like a loan. It allows the artist to have money to live and record with until their record is released. However, before they can gain any royalties, the advance must be paid back in full to the record label. Since only the most successful artists recoup production and marketing costs, an unsuccessful artist's debt carries over to their next album, meaning that they see little to no royalties.
Major label advances are generally much larger than independent labels can offer. If an independent label is able to offer an advance, it will most like be somewhere in the range of $5,000-$125,000. On the other hand, major labels are able to offer artists advances in the range of $150,000-$300,000. Instead of offering an advance, some independent labels agree to pay for a certain amount of the artist's recording costs. This money is recoupable. There are advantages and disadvantages of an advance. If an artist gets no advance, that means they owe their record company less money, thus allowing them to earn royalties more quickly. However, since the label recoups so many costs, an artist's advance might be the only money they are able to make for quite some time.
In a contract, options are agreed upon. Options allow the label to renew their contract with the artist and release more of their albums. Options lie with the label, and the label has the choice whether or not to record more with the artist. Some artists consider this unfair because the label has the right to not distribute an artist's project and extend their contract by one more album if they deem the music as commercially or artistically unacceptable. Record labels effectively own the artist's product for the duration of their contract.
Independent label contracts
Independent label contracts typically resemble contracts offered by major labels because they have similar legal liabilities to define before representing an artist. There are slight differences, usually with regards to royalties. Independent Labels typically offer higher royalty percentage because production costs are usually significantly lower than those of a major label. For example, Independent labels tend to focuss less on marketing than Major labels.
It is becoming increasingly more common for independent labels to offer a profit-sharing deal in which as much as 40-75% of the net profits go to the artist. In this type of contract, the net gain after all expenses have been taken out are split between the label and artist by a negotiated percentage. However, deals in this form can take longer for an artist to gain any profits since all expenses – such as manufacturing, publicity, and marketing – are also taken into account. As an independent artist becomes more popular, deals of this type are more advantageous.
Independent Labels can rely on "word of mouth" to expose their artists. This of course is to attract a distinct audience. Indie Labels tend to avoid high budget marketing, which is usually critized as "over kill" and attracts an audience commonly found following major label artists. This of course contributed to the lack of production cost, and helps artist to receive royalties sooner.
When a band goes on tour, it may or may not have the financial backing of its label. An artist receives a fixed fee or a percentage of the tickets sold by the venue owner or promoter. Touring is an expensive process. A moderate estimate of touring costs with a bus and small crew can easily reach $20,000 a week. If an artist tours with the support of their label, the expenses are all recoupable, thus potentially increasing a band's debt. Many successful bands tour without the support of their label so that they can keep all of their touring revenue. An independent band would have more difficulty than a highly successful one in being self-sufficient on tour.
If a band or artist writes their own material, publishing can be one of the best ways to earn a profit. It is one of the few guaranteed ways to earn revenue for artists. Even touring is not a sure way to make money because it is possible that no one will attend the shows. Basic copyright law protects songwriters by giving them exclusive rights to grant or deny the reproduction, distribution, or performance of their work. The majority of a band's publishing income comes from its mechanical and performance rights. Mechanical rights cover the reproduction of a song on a record. In the standard contract between a band and a label, the label is required by law to pay the composer a fixed rate per song simply for the right to use the composition on commercially sold recordings. The mechanical licensing rate in 2006 for the U.S. and Canada is 9.1 cents per song.[21] With the performance rights, a song's copyright covers every time it appears on radio and television.
If an artist prefers to receive up-front money for their songs instead of waiting for the money to come in over time, it can choose to assign its copyright to a music publisher. The music publisher pays a cash advance for what they decide is the value of the copyright. It is common for a band to sign a copublishing deal. This means that the publisher offers the artist an advance in exchange for half the publishing income. When the advance is paid back, the music publisher retains 25% of the income. Since an artist has no guarantees whether or not their song will be popular, some may prefer to have a cash advance that guarantees them money regardless of how well the song does.
Increasingly the internet is making new methods of publication accessible to independent musicians. Services have been set up to distribute independent music over the internet with many different types of payment models. This often allows artists to reach a much wider audience then would normally be possible as a local band.
label x besar hanya ada kt negara sendiri je
jual album x mahal...
recording kualiti yg tp x sebagus mainstream.
videoclip murah je sbb buat sendiri & ada juga yg ada director.
lgu x byk kuar radio
band indie wat gig tp tiket agak mahal mencecah RM25++
diorang x harapkan ape2 anugerah cuma diorang harap lgu diterima oleh pendengar.
Underground music refers to a variety of post-1960s rock, pop, or dance subgenres that developed a cult following despite their lack of mainstream appeal, visibility, or commercial promotion. Underground bands and artists are often signed with independent record labels, and they typically perform in small venues and promote their music through word-of-mouth, fanzines, and college radio or community radio airplay.
The style of underground music ranges from the 1960s psychedelic music of the US hippie counterculture, to the DIY anti-corporatism of 1970s-era punk rock, to 1990s and 2000s-era experimental electronic music.
While the term comprises a range of different musical genres, they typically share common values, such as the valuing of sincerity and intimacy; an emphasis on freedom of creative expression; and an appreciation of artistic creativity. As well, while very few types of underground music are completely hidden—except perhaps the underground rock scenes in the pre-Gorbachev Soviet Union—the performances and recordings may be difficult to find for outsiders.
Some underground musical genres never left their non-mainstream roots, such as jagged, aggressive UK 82-style hardcore punk bands like Discharge. Some underground styles eventually became mainstream, commercialized pop styles, such as underground hip hop of the early 1980s, which eventually became a popular, mass market musical style in the 2000s. In the 2000s, the increasing availability of the Internet and digital music technologies made underground music easier to distribute using streaming audio and podcasts. Some experts in cultural studies now argue that that there is no underground because the internet has made what was underground music accessible to everyone at the click of a mouse. One expert, Martin Raymond, of London based company The Future Laboratory commented in an article in The Independent, saying trends in music, art and politics are:
... now transmitted laterally and collaboratively via the internet. You once had a series of gatekeepers in the adoption of a trend: the innovator, the early adopter, the late adopter, the early mainstream, the late mainstream, and finally the conservative. But now it goes straight from the innovator to the mainstream.
In effect, this means a boy band (for instance) could be influenced by (formerly) obscure 1960's garage rock, early 1980s post punk, noise rock acts like Pussy Galore or even composers of avant-garde classical music like John Cage and Karlheinz Stockhausen and still remain recognisable as a boy band.
The term underground music has been applied to several artistic movements, such as the psychedelic music movement of the mid-1960s. Other early "underground" bands include the Velvet Underground, the MC5, The Grateful Dead, Patti Smith, and the Stooges. Frank Zappa tried to define "underground" by noting that the "mainstream comes to you, but you have to go to the underground." In the 1960s, the term underground was associated with the hippie counterculture of young people who had dropped out of college and their middle class life to live in an off-the-grid commune of free love and cannabis. In modern popular music, the term “underground” refers to a performers or bands ranging from artists that do DIY "guerrilla concerts" and self-recorded shows to those that are signed to small independent labels. In some musical styles, the term “underground” is used to assert that the content of the music is illegal or controversial, as in the case of early 1990s death metal bands in the US.
Shlomo Sher's "philosophy for artists" argues that there are three common misconceptions about the "underground": that it refers exclusively to the rave/electronica scene; that it can be described with a vague, broad definition of "anything which is not mainstream"; and the myth that underground music is kept secret; he points out that no band or performer "exclud[es] virtually anyone or anything" using "secret passwords and hidden map points". Instead, Sher claims that "underground music" is linked by shared values, such as a valuing of grassroots "reality" over music with "pre-wrapped marketing glossing it up"; sincerity and intimacy; freedom of creative expression is valued over commercial success; art is appreciated as deeply meaningful fashion; and the Underground "difficult to find", because the scene hides itself from "less committed visitors" who would trivialize the music and culture. [2]
In a Counterpunch magazine article, Twiin argues that "Underground music is free media", because by working "independently, you can say anything in your music" and be free of corporate censorship.[3] The genre of post-punk is often considered a "catchall category for underground, indie, or lo-fi guitar rock" bands which "initially avoided major record labels in the pursuit of artistic freedom, and out of an 'us against them' stance towards the corporate rock world", spreading "west over college station airwaves, small clubs, fanzines, and independent record stores."[4] Underground music of this type is often promoted through word-of-mouth or by community radio DJs. In the early underground scenes, such as the Grateful Dead jam band fan scenes or the 1970s punk scenes, crude home-made tapes were traded (in the case of Deadheads) or sold from the stage or from the trunk of a car (in the punk scene). In the 2000s, underground music became easier to distribute, using streaming audio and podcasts [5] Punk rock was an underground musical form when it first developed in the mid-1970s, as was its descendant,UK 82-style hardcore. UK hardcore bands from the early 1980s such as Discharge eschewed major labels.
Even some musical styles that eventually became mainstream, commercialized pop styles started out as underground music. Late 1970s disco is often considered to be a very commercialized type of pop music. However, before disco's mainstream adoption in 1977 and 1978, disco records were underground music created by nightclub DJs for the gay dance club scene. Similarly, hip hop began "on the streets"; in the early 1980s, rappers did beatboxing and made up rhymes for tiny underground labels. Genres such as alternative rock, grunge, various forms of heavy metal, grindcore, electronica, outsider music, and experimental music, also trace their roots to underground scenes.
A music underground can also refer to the culture of underground music in a city and its accompanying performance venues. The Kitchen is an example of what was an important New York City underground music venue in the 1960s and 1970s. CBGB's [6] is another famous New York City underground music venue claiming to be "Home of Underground Rock since 1973".
"Underground format" is a term used to describe a type of music radio programming in which underground-style music is played, usually in long blocks of two to three hours at a time, keeping talk to a minimum. [7] [8] Many colleges across the united states and around the world which have a communications major allow students the task of operating a radio station, here you will find some underground music played more frequently in many areas.
sama je cam indie tp lebih murah dari indie cth gig rm5,rm10,rm15.xde label pun xpe janji dapat bebas... x dikejar olah paparazzi & x kena kontroversi.
Saturday, February 14, 2009
First decade (1983-1993)
Testament was formed in the San Francisco area in 1983 by guitarist Eric Peterson and his cousin, Derrick Ramirez, also a guitarist, originally using the name Legacy. The band soon recruited bassist Greg Christian, drummer Mike Ronchette, and vocalist Steve Souza. Ramirez was subsequently replaced by guitarist Alex Skolnick, who had studied under SF Bay Area guitarist Joe Satriani. The band released one self-titled 4 song demo in 1986. Ronchette left shortly after the recording and was replaced by Louie Clemente. Steve Souza subsequently left the band to join Exodus, and suggested that Chuck Billy should replace him on lead vocals. While recording their first album, the band was forced to change their name to Testament (which, according to Maria Ferrero in the May 2007 issue of Revolver, was suggested by Billy Milano of S.O.D.) because "The Legacy" was already trademarked by a jazz band.
Testament's first album, The Legacy, was released in 1987 on Megaforce Records. Testament received instant fame within thrash circles and were often compared with fellow Bay Area thrash pioneers Metallica. The band quickly managed to increase their exposure by heading out on a successful tour of America and Europe with Anthrax, who were then touring in support of their Among the Living album. On this tour the Live at Eindhoven EP was recorded.
The next album, The New Order, was released in 1988, and found the band continuing in a similar vein. After another successful world tour the band headed back into the studio to record Practice What You Preach. Released in 1989, the album minimized the occult and gothic themes found in the lyrical content of their first two albums, instead focusing on real-life issues such as politics and corruption. The album was the band's most popular to date and even MTV took notice, giving the title track extensive airplay on Headbanger's Ball.[citation needed]
However, Testament would never be able to equal the success they found with Practice. In 1990, Souls of Black was released to mixed reviews and slow album sales. Attempting to reconnect with an audience distracted by the growing grunge movement, Testament released The Ritual in 1992. The Ritual saw a stylistic move away from thrash to a slightly more traditional heavy metal sound. Sales were poor and the band began to implode.[1]
band ni patut diberi videonya..Friday, February 13, 2009
Dapatkan album Nrocinu-Keamanan
2.Langkah Mulaan
4.Sarjan Hassan
5.Pendekar Tangan Berapi
6.Kenangan di KUiTTHO
11.The Fandago of Life
Keamanan merupakan album pertama Nrocinu yg bergenre Heavy/Thrash Metal.camne nk dapatkan album ni?kalo nk dapatkan album ni kena beli kt frontman Nrocinu iaitu Roll.sbb diorang x nak jual kt pasaran takut org x cara yg bijak.beli la lagu2 dlm album amat sedap.rugila sape yg x bli.nk dapat kan album ni call +6012-270 4555.....
aku bagi salah satu lagu dlm album ni
Thursday, February 5, 2009
Camne kenal music......
aku dgr music masa aku darjah 1@ 7 tahun masa tu dgr lg2 nasyid cm raihan,brothers etc.mmg x tau pasal music langsung yela kecil lagikan...abah aku bli kaset dgr jer la......pasal rock mmg x tau langsung.
masa ni aku layan music yg kuar kt tv@radio.x kisah la lagu ape dgr je biasa masih budak2 lg...
zaman ni lyn lgu boyband. damn!!!!!!!!!masa ni n'sync tgh top ngan lagu bye3.masa ni album@single rock/metal yg kuar yg aku x tau godsmack,creed,rage against the machine,smashing pumpkins,ac/dc,disturbed,lamb of god yg aku tau masa tu creed sbb lagu with arms wide open tgh meletup.masa ni creed je la yg aku layan....
zaman ni dah maju skit layan lagu rock sbb masa ni limp bizkit tgh meletup ngan lgu rollin' sampai undertaker guna lagu ni . linkin park jugak x ketinggalan ngan lgu crawling.sampai kakak aku cakap limp bizkit rollin' linkin park crawling bunyi hampir masih buta music.....
masa ni aku celik music tp internet x tau pakai pas2 aku tanya abg aku psl music.masa ni band yg aku tau - Evanescence,metallica,korn,disturbed,red hot chili peppers,the offspring.evanescence famous ngan lagu bring me to life.metallica lak st anger tp lgu ni dikritik truk oleh pihak media ngan peminat.korn lak aku x ingat la tp lgu pasal anti-pop la.disturbed lak lgu stupify kt hot chili peppers lak californication masa gak kat ntv7.lgu offspring yg famous taun 2003 hit that.
masa ni aku baru layan metal system of a down,mudvayne,slipknot etc. masa ni nk blaja guitar malangnyer guitar xde..sedih sial....aku layan je la metal tanpa guitar...
masa ni aku layan metal habis-habisan banyak band yg aku tau cam mushroomhead,within temptation,godsmack,pantera,slayer,iron maiden,avenged sevenfold,trivium etc.mushroomhead ngan whithin temptation aku tau dari kwn adek aku yg laen tu dgr sendiri.....
masa ni la aku research music btul2 check kt internet contoh aku carik music thrash metal camne thrash metal lahir.camne punk lahir etc.
sebagai pendengar kite kena dgr music kite btul2 minat & jgn ikut org nanti menyesal.maksud aku camni biler emo naik nk layan emo,biler indie naik nk layan indie.budak zaman skarang ni suka ikut mana yg tgh hangat di media massa mmg trendy.aku mmg x suke org yg cam2.sesaper yg baru layan music ikut la cita rasa sendiri 2 baru btul......
Monday, February 2, 2009
In Flames vs Soilwork
In Flames-Trigger
Soilwork-Rejection Role
pastu comment la sape lg hebat......
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Aesthetics of hate articles
– Time For Conservative Imagination!
by William Grim, Iconoclast Contributing Editor
You`ve undoubtedly heard by now that a demented fan last week killed heavy metal guitarist Dimebag Abbott at the Alrosa Villa in Columbus, Ohio. While I am extremely happy to hear that the assassin was shot to death by a brave Columbus policeman and I in no way want to engage in a blaming the victim scenario, I cannot deny that there much in Mr. Abbott`s demise of one being hoisted on one`s petard. The squalor, inhumanity, filth (both in the metaphorical and hygienic senses), depravity, ugliness and ignorance of everything that heavy metal represents (Like rap, I cannot use the noble term music in a description of heavy metal) creates a mindset among its devotees in which Mr. Abbott`s assassination was an event that was all but waiting to happen.
It was highly amusing, and also terribly sad, to watch on television fans conducting a “vigil” for the slain Mr. Abbott outside of the Alrosa Villa. It was an assemblage of ignorant, semi-human barbarians who were filthy in attire and manner, intellectually incoherent and above all else, hideously ugly to the point of physical deformity. Here is a definite case in which the outer appearance of these “fans” accurately represented the hideousness of their souls. That the physical deformity of their ugliness was self-inflicted makes the spiritual tragedy of their misspent lives all the more tragic.
But one can see why the heavy metal fans so closely identified with Mr. Abbott. He was an ignorant, barbaric, untalented possessor of a guitar and large amplifier system. Freakish in appearance, more simian than human, he was the performer of a type of “entertainment” that can be likened only to a gorilla on PCP. Lacking subtlety, wit, style, emotional range and anything approaching even the smallest iota of intellectual or musical interest, Mr. Abbott was part of a generation that has confused sputum with art and involuntary reflex actions with emotion. De gustibus non disputandem est. Matters of taste are not subject to argument.
That has been a general principle of aesthetics for some time, and when we are talking about the visceral preference for Mozart or Haydn or Beethoven among civilized human beings we are on pretty safe ground. I do not understand exactly why I prefer Haydn to my good friend who prefers Beethoven. But we both agree (as do all civilized human beings) that both Messrs. Haydn and Beethoven are numerous steps further along the evolutionary trail than Dimebag Abbott.
Here is one area in which conservatives have failed and failed miserably. Whether it is out of a lack of interest or despair, conservatives for too long have ceded the entire field of aesthetics to the trust fund red babies of the blue states. And look at what this has brought us. So-called heavy metal music, so-called rap music, operas and stage plays in which modern “stagings” reduce Verdi and Shakespeare to the condition of a schizophrenic`s finger paintings. Leftist domination in the visual arts has made a mockery of the aesthetic greatness of modernism and replaced it with the turd encased in Lucite. And the grammatically-challenged racist rantings of Amiri Baraka now pass for poetry.
However, we conservatives should not confuse family values with aesthetics. In the realm of art, our evangelical brethren have many crimes to answer for. When a church replaces Bach with Bacharach it has engaged in the aesthetic rape of the liturgy. Just because one has good intentions and approaches the numinous with “sincerity” and “authenticity” (the latter term ironically being a buzzword among the Marxist aestheticians of the Frankfurt School), that does not absolve one from aesthetic responsibility. As far as I am concerned, those who advocate a dumbed-down liturgy and schlocky pop music substitutes for Bach, Handel and the masses of the Renaissance, are as offensive as the Presiding Bishop of the Episcopal Church and his perverse sexual politics.
Part of the hard work of civilization is teaching young to be able to distinguish between the good and the bad in all aspects of life. If we teach our young children to obey the 10 Commandments and to obey the laws of the land, but don`t teach them to realize that Johann Sebastian Bach is superior to Dimebag Abbott, we have failed as parents and mentors. If a person has gone through 12 or 13 years of education and has not developed an appreciation for the greatest artistic achievements of mankind, that education has been an utter failure.
While laissez-faire is the correct approach to economics it has no place in the realm of aesthetics or morality. A confidant civilization imposes its morality and aesthetics on it young people. Yes, you heard it right. We impose. The Rousseauian noble savage is a myth. Left unchecked and untutored the savage will never attain nobility. There are those who will accuse me of elitism. And I admit it. I am a conservative elitist. I want the very best. The very best form of government, the very best of civilizations, the very best educational system, the very best literature and art, the very best music, the very best way of life. If I need open heart surgery I want to go to an elite heart surgeon. Mediocrity is the goal of socialism. Americans should aspire to greatness. In the past forty years, conservatives have won great victories in the political, economic and moral realms, but we stand to throw all our gains away if we do not reclaim ascendancy in the aesthetic realm as well. And while the murder of even a semi-human barbarian like Mr. Abbott is tragic and to be lamented, it would be wrong to ignore Mr. Abbott`s complicity in contributing to the soul-deadening culture of death, ugliness, depravity and inhumanity that spawned his killer.
Hugo von Hofmannsthal once remarked that “all powerful imaginations are conservative.” It is time for conservatives to utilize their imaginations and reclaim the field of aesthetics from the left-that is, while there is still something left in the aesthetic realm worth reclaiming.
Rob Flynn blog
I still can’t believe it.
To say that Machine Head were devastated…there aren’t even words. We found out about this unbelievable event while in Zagreb, Serbia. The sports arena we were playing had no phone lines, no internet, virtually zero cell reception, no TV, no heat. We had nothing but patchy info for the next few days as we played more shows in Eastern Europe, and frustration started to boil. It was impossible to call anyone, check e-mail, anything. It’s only now that I’ve finally been able to sit down and read everything surrounding what happened.
That night, we dedicated “Descend The Shades Of Night” to Dimebag, a man who inspired us in so many ways. I lost it on stage. We all lost it on stage. It’s horrible. Things like this just don’t happen. Musicians don’t get KILLED on stage… while they’re PLAYING… what the fuck? What the fuck is wrong with people?
Dimebag was one in a million. He was the Randy Rhoads, the Jimi Hendrix of our time. I’m not gonna try and make it look like Dime and I were best buddies, we weren’t… but I would certainly call him a friend. I met Dimebag for the first time on Ozzfest in ‘97. He invited Logan and I into their dressing room, and I remember being so fuckin’ stoked to be hanging out in the Pantera dressing room, like I had made it into some cool guy club. I loved Pantera, and tried my hardest to mask my excitement…I didn’t do a very good job, ’cause Darrell kept coming up to me and saying “Damn dude, you look like you’re doin’ all right!”, and all I could muster in the moment was “…yeah”. He offered me a gazillion shots of whiskey that day, and over the next couple of months we hung out…not a lot, as I tried not to be a fan boy, but I couldn’t help it, they were fucking amazing.
Eventually they asked us to support them on their headline run for Trendkill. It was here that we learned that it was okay to treat your support bands like equals - something we continue to practice to this day. That tour was one of the funnest, craziest, greatest god damned tours we have ever done, and none of us have, or will ever forget the opportunity, nor the experience. Like it was yesterday, I remember one night, Dimebag got wasted (as he sometimes did)…but I mean, WASTED! …and during Coal Chamber’s set, he grabs my backup guitar, goes out on stage and starts “air guitaring” with them during one of their songs. Coal Chamber looked around nervously and just kinda went with it… he then proceeded to smash my guitar down on the stage, completely shattering the neck. I thought to myself, “uh… okay, we’re sorta on next… what do I do?” Then I figured, “eh, fuck it, I’ll worry about it tomorrow”.
After our set, we go out to watch Pantera. And let me just say, that to watch this man, who literally could not talk backstage, thinking all the while, “oh my GOD, this is gonna be a train wreck”… we all just stood there with our jaws on the floor as that motherfucker went out and played a perfectly fucking FLAWLESS show. Every rhythm, every lead… just NAILED it. It was in-fucking-human.
So the next day I go up to him and say “Hey man, do you remember what you did to my guitar last night?” He’s like “Uh… refresh my memory”… so I say, “You… uh… smashed the neck in half”…to which he says “No shit dude?! I’ll take care of you, no problem, don’t worry!” He then had his tour manager give us TWICE as much money as it would cost to replace / repair the neck. And then a week later, while we’re ON STAGE in Chicago, he comes out, and brings both Logan and I brand new, top-of-the-line Dimebag Darrell signature guitars - these things were worth probably 2500 dollars each - and he whispers in my ear, “Sorry about the neck, Carjacker” (a nickname he had for me)… I mean, COME ON!?
The next time we saw him, he played us some “just finished” mixes for the then-unreleased Reinventing The Steel record at he and Vinnie’s Club. We were all worshipping. We drank shitloads, and he even rocked on the vodka with us, rather than the whiskey, just ’cause he remembered that The Head like vodka. A week later I get a package at our hotel in Pittsburg… he had sent 4 one-liter bottles of expensive-ass Ketel One vodka, all the way from Texas, with a note that read “Carjacker, it was killer hanging out with you the other night. Remember, it’s Goddamn Electric! -Your brother Dime”. That’s the type of guy he was, such a giving person. 200 bucks worth of vodka? Bah, no problem.
The last time I saw him was at Download / Donington this year. He told me he was “blown away” by our new record. “Record of the year” he kept saying. To hear him say that really meant a lot. I mean it REALLY meant a lot. To be honest, and this is just a hunch, but I think it was the first record of ours that he really liked. My impression was always that he thought our other records were…good.
So he’s backstage warming up on my Black V after his guitar was rushed onstage, and he promises to send me more vodka for letting him “warm up”…to which I reply “Dude, don’t even think about it”.
Right after Download I got to thinking about he and Vinnie, and I ended up faxing him a letter to wish him well with Damageplan, remind him that he’d better not be thinking about sending me bottles of vodka, and to tell him how much of an influence Pantera was on me / us, and in particular, his playing, his guitar tone, the lyrics about unity - everything - had been on Machine Head, especially early on. It was something I’d always wanted to say to him, and even though we had toured with them, twice even…for some reason I always clammed up, or got insecure about saying it when I was around him.
Right before we went out on this last tour, he calls me up around midnight, I’m driving home at the time and happen to be awake. He tells me he has someone who wants to talk to me, so I say “Oh, yeah?”, and he puts me on the phone with this HUGE Machine Head fan…apparently the kid had walked into this Mexican restaurant, ran into Darrell, and during their conversation they both got to talking about how much they loved Through The Ashes…, and the kid says to Darrell, “Robert Flynn’s my idol, I’d do anything to meet him”. So Dime whips out his phone and says, “Let’s call him!”. So there I am, talking to this kid for like 15 minutes, mostly about how much we both love Pantera…soon afterward he puts Dimebag back on, and we talk for another half hour or so, mostly about the aforementioned letter. He told me that he was genuinely moved by it.
In retrospect, I’m really glad I that I finally got to say those things to him.
He had more of an effect on the four of us than he could possibly imagine.
Some people consider it “un-metal” to be a giving person, but I tell you what, that guy right there was one of the most giving people that you could ever meet, and he was as Metal as it fuckin’ gets.
To Nathan Bray, the courageous fan who jumped on stage to perform CPR on Darrell and died trying to save his life…you are a true hero, and your death is no less significant than Dime’s, nor were the lives of Erin “Stoney” Halk or Jeffrey “Mayhem” Thompson.
To James Niggemeyer, the policeman that shot and killed that twisted freak that had the gall to call himself a “fan”, I commend you. You deserve a medal of honor.
To, and the people that post there, you have all never stood taller in my eyes. The wealth of information that has been brought forward by the editor, and the class with which it has been presented, is truly unprecedented. In addition, the level of respect and empathy shown to each other - and especially to the mother of Nathan Bray, who wrote that heart-wrenching letter - was sincerely admirable.
To the politicians who are claiming that this is what Heavy Metal breeds. You don’t know what the hell you’re even talking about.
And lastly, to the hatemongering son-of-a-bitch named William Grim, from conservative website The Iconoclast, who wrote the most disgraceful, classless article I’ve ever read entitled “AESTHETICS OF HATE: R.I.P. DIMEBAG ABBOTT, & GOOD RIDDANCE”.
You WILL burn in hell!
What would YOU know about love or values? What would YOU know about giving to the world? All that you know is teaching prejudice, and your heart is as black as the “ignorant, filthy, and hideously ugly, Heavy Metal fans” you try and paint in your twisted, fictitious ramblings. It’s because of people like YOU, that there are Nathan Gale’s in this world, NOT the Dimebags and Metal musicians who work to unite people through music.
You just don’t get it.
You say, “Americans should aspire to greatness”. Well, Dimebag was an American that did more than “aspire” to greatness. He was an American that “achieved” it. And you will NEVER know what it is to taste greatness William Grim. Because in order to achieve greatness, you must first believe in the greatness of people, no matter how “ugly” or “fat” or “stupid” they are, on the outside…and Dimebag did just that.
Long live Dimebag Darrell in the hearts of us all.
-Robert Flynn
Machine Head live Aesthetics of Hate
Aesthetics of Hate lyrics
You tried to spit in the eye
Of a dead man’s face
Attacked the ways of a man
Not yet in his grave
But your hate was over all too soon
Because nothing is over,
Nothing’s through,
Till we bury you
For the love of brother
I will sing this fucking song
Aesthetics of hate,
I hope you burn in hell
The words I read on the screen
Left me fucking sick
I felt the hatred rising
You son of a bitch
You branded us pathetic for our respect
But he made us driven,
Such deep reverence,
Far beyond the rest
For the love of brother
I will sing these fucking words
Aesthetics of hate,
I hope you burn in hell
Long live memories
Live this freedom vicariously
Defend tenfold
His honor we’ll always uphold
For the love of brother
I will say these fucking words
No silence against ignorance
Iconoclast, I hope you burn, burn in hell
May the hand of God strike them down
May the hand of God strike them down
May the hand of God strike them down
May the hand of God strike them down
Strike them down...
May the hand of God strike them down
May the hand of God strike them down
May the hand of God strike them down
May the hand of God strike them down (down, down...)